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Pulling a Fast One

Posted by: | March 3, 2010 | 8 Comments |

I Want My Mommy!

Hey Tripawd friends!  Don’t tell my Mom, but I have been a little sneaky with her these days. Since I know Mom will do anything to keep me hoppy and healthy (she is my “Lady-in-Waiting” you know), I have to admit that I’ve been kinda working it a little more than usual. I’ve always been a drama queen, very outspoken and opinionated.  Mom tells me that I even talk like a person sometimes when I am trying to communicate (I don’t think I do, I think that Mom just understands my language).  Well, in the past few months I have been waking Mom up a couple times during the night by whining.  When she hears me whine, she jumps right up because she thinks I might be sick, or in pain. (Hee, hee)  I really have to try hard to stifle a tail wag when I do this.

At first, I was doing it because I really needed something. Like to go outside, or maybe I needed my water dish filled.  Well, once I realized that I could get Mom to jump up and come to me any time during the night when I did the drama queen bit, I started to whine for other reasons. Like maybe I couldn’t find my favorite stuffy, or maybe Emmy stole my bed and I was irritated. I think those are legitimate reasons to wake up Mom at 3:30 a.m., don’t you?

Well, my plan kept working so I decided to keep pushing it even more. Now I’ve got Mom right where I want her.  Lately I’ve been waking her up, sometimes several times a night, and I don’t have to go outside, my water dish is full, and I have my favorite stuffy. But I stand there and pant a little (and keep my butt away from her so she can’t see my tail wagging), and Mom gets impatient and decides to come and join me on the sectional couch here in her office. PERFECT. This is exactly what I am after.  Mom will go in there and fall sleep on the couch, and I will get on the other end and rest my head on her feet, and all is well again.  I don’t need to pee, drink, eat, etc. I just need to snuggle with Mom.

Before Mom and Dad got married in 2007, Emmy and I got to sleep in the king-size bed every night with Mom. Back then, every night was a “two-dog” night!  The good ol’ days! But then once our new Dad came on the scene, Emmy and I were relegated to our dog beds (or the couch). Can you imagine? That is no place for the Queen! I think two adults and 2 Great Danes would have fit just fine in a King size bed, don’t you? Dad didn’t think so. So I get lonely for  Mom sometimes because I miss the old days when we could snuggle up together at night.

I think she might be catching on to my plan though.  The past few nights I haven’t been able to control my wagging tail when I wake her up.  I’m just so excited!  But she still seems to be falling for it, because she is so tired, so I am going to work it as long as I can.  You know, it can’t hurt to throw a little drama out there every once and awhile to keep the love, treats, etc. coming. About a week ago I had a high white count in a blood test at the vet that I was really able to cash in on. (Hee hee) Mom got all snuggly with me, and just poured on the treats and love. So Tripawd pals, let’s just make it our little secret….  if you need a little lovin’ just get a little drama going and you will have your pawrent wrapped around your finger! Believe me, you’ve got to try this!

(Drama) Queen Nova of Tripawds

under: Uncategorized


  1. By: admin on March 3, 2010 at 11:27 pm      

    Don’t tell Wyatt your little drama games actually work! He’s tried that whining bit but is starting to realize it will get him nowhere.

  2. By: maximutt on March 3, 2010 at 11:34 pm      

    Nova, you naughty, naughty girl!! Actually, I think what you’re doing is perfectly fine. Every pup needs some extra love every once in a while. But, I think your Mom might be on to your shenanigans. You better not wag your tail as much, or she might only snuggle with you for half the night. (Although, I don’t think that would ever happen!) Keep it up, Queenie!! You’re one smart gal!

  3. By: jerry on March 4, 2010 at 12:43 am      

    Hey Nova, you should write a book called “How To Get Your Pawrents to do Anything You Want.”

    Or wait, no, you should dictate it to your Mom and get HER to write it. Then you can cash in on it and get all the 3 AM fixes of beef trachea that your heart desires.

    You’re a smart girl, pretty one. Keep it up! xoxo

  4. By: cometdog on March 4, 2010 at 1:01 am      

    Thanks for the tips and tricks! You’re so cool!
    I doubt it would work on my mommy cuz she is O-U-T! (she has to have her beauty rest)

    But I do like to get daddy up at 430am to EAT! Sometimes he gets mad and I have go back to sleep, but not always!

    Can you get your daddy out of bed and just sneak in with your mommy, like old times?


  5. By: Dane Mom Sue on March 4, 2010 at 7:07 am      

    Comet, Daddy would never fall for my shenanigans. He just gets grumpy and growls at me. Plus, a 150-lb hopping Great Dane can’t “sneak” anywhere! (They call me the “thundering herd” since the whole house shakes when I hop).

    Jerry, what a GREAT idea to get Mommy to write a book! I love it when Mom stays up late doing her homework, but it would be even better is the work she is doing is about ME!

  6. By: cometdog on March 4, 2010 at 3:49 pm      

    Methinks you and Emmy together could take on Daddy pretty easily!

    Muscle him!

    See how he likes the sectional couch!

  7. By: Carmen (Catie's Mom) on March 5, 2010 at 4:34 pm      

    Very sneaky, Nova! Way to be a drama queen for sure!


  8. By: LuvYourPets on May 15, 2010 at 10:49 pm      

    That is so cool, Nova! But, you don’t want to overplay your paw, or Mom will really get wise and then what! I’m so glad my silly Mom finally found your blog again. All that time she was so worried because your other blog was never updated and there was nothing on it to indicate you had switched over to the tripawds blog. I hope your elevated white count wasn’t anything serious. I’m glad your Mom takes such good care of you. She is very, very special and I know you already know that. My Mom is pretty special, too, but, just between us, she’s pretty dense. Your pal, Blazer

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