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2 Weeks with No Dog Dramas!

Posted by: | June 24, 2012 | 2 Comments |

Mom seems to think that it is a big deal that we have gone 2 WHOLE WEEKS without any dog dramas in the house.  So I thought I would report in on that.  I also wanted to tell you about the awesome stuff Mom brought home for me when she went to go visit Tesa’s mom, Jill, at a craft show that was about 30 minutes from our house.  It was inside at a church, so I couldn’t go along for the R-I-D-E.  But anyway, some of you probably remember Tesa, her mom posted on Tripawds a couple of times in the past few months.  Tesa is recovering wonderfully from her amputation, and just started her first round of chemo this past Friday.  Mom took along a bag of “appetite-stimulating” goodies for Tesa, namely canned DUCK and canned RABBIT.  She gave Jill some ideas on how to entice Tesa to eat if she felt icky from the chemo, like give her ice cubes made from beef or chicken broth.  HEY… I wouldn’t mind a batch of those for ME, Mom.  Hmmmm…. maybe I should throw in a little dog drama to get Mom on the ball, you think?

Anyway, for those of you who have done chemo, you know our humans have to pay a lot of money for it.  Well, Tesa’s mom is doing something super-cool to help defray the costs of Tesa’s treatments.  She has gone way beyond simply asking for donations, she has started a small business called “Treats for Tesa”.  She bakes all different kinds of wonderful dog treats, packages them up, and sells them to pawrents as a fundraiser for Tesa.  She travels to various craft shows on the weekends to sell the treats, along with many other handmade items like fleece bones and dog pillows, tug toys, and all sorts of other cool stuff like spinners that humans can put out in their yards.  Mom brought home some great stuff for me like some delicious grain-free peanut butter treats, handmade chicken jerky (not that junk from China), a fleece University of Michigan bone, and my FAVORITE giant pillow with pink owls all over it.  CUSTOM MADE WITH LOVE by a TRIPAWD MOM!  It doesn’t get any better than that!  Here is a picture of me with my new pillow.  It smelled just like Great Dane (Jill has two Danes) so I slobbered all over it right away.

My Pawesome Pillow Made By Tesa’s Mom


Mom talked to my Pawpawrazzi Kelly, and she and Tesa’s mom are going to have Kelly do some shots of us together VERY, VERY soon.  It will be a great photo shoot…. 2 gorgeous Great Danes, 6 long legs…. a beautiful girl just starting her cancer journey and a regal Queen 3 1/2 years into hers.  And Kelly is going to do some special shots of Tesa and her Mom together too.  It will be so fun.  Of course Mom will share the photos once we can make it happen.  We need to wait a little bit to make sure Tesa is tolerating her chemo ok.

A quick update on the so-called “brain tumor”… I have not felt weird at all since that terrible Memorial Day weekend.  We still don’t know if the doctor was right about my diagnosis, but it sure doesn’t seem like he was.  Mom and I are loving life and having a great time together.

Well, Mom is no Pawpawrazzi like Kelly, but she is getting a little better at taking pictures of me.  Here is another one she took of me this afternoon:

Enjoying a Beautiful Sunday in My Royal Collar

under: Uncategorized


  1. By: etgayle on June 24, 2012 at 9:45 pm      

    hooray for no new drama!!! we strive to stay boring here in ET. less, is more…when it comes to drama!! your treats sound wonderful – does tesa ship??

    charon & spirit gayle

  2. By: kviz on June 25, 2012 at 4:43 pm      

    I….The Buffalo Princess ….and my MB siblings are thrilled! All hail to the Queen! We hope you have many more weeks, months, years, decades, centuries of NO DRAMA. (It’s ALL good…rumor has it we can’t tell time!!)


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