About Nova
Hi! Thanks for checking out my blog and reading my story. My name is Nova Zieske, and I am a 6-year-old fawn Great Dane from Linden, MI. I was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma in October 2008 just before Halloween. Thankfully my Mom knew what needed to be done right away (an amputation), so I was able to get the awful pain of bone cancer behind me quickly, and to get on with the awesome life of being a Tripawd.
I officially became a Tripawd on November 11, 2008 and had a quick and relatively problem-free recovery. I went through 4 rounds of chemo (carboplatin) with minimal side effects. To date all my chest x-rays say there are no visible signs of cancer. Does that rock or what?
But don’t think the whole process was just a breeze for me. I was given the added challenge of being permanently blinded by Glaucoma in both eyes on April 23, 2009. I am living proof that Tripawds can do anything! I may not get around as fast as I did before I was blind, but I am doing great, thanks to my “seeing eye” wagging tail.
Tripawds can do ANYTHING! I am pretty much a couch potato dog, but in April 2009 I went on a Jerry-style road trip with my Mom and brother to visit family in the Blue Ridge Mountains. I hiked to the top of Grandfather Mountain AND Mt. Mitchell, the tallest peak East of the Mississippi. Whooooohooooo!!!
I live in Michigan with my humans Mom (Sue), Dad (Paul), brothers Alex, Ben and Skyler, and my older Great Dane sister Emmy.

Nova at Mount Mitchell
By: laura michel on June 5, 2011 at 8:30 pm
HI there,
Thank you for your posts. Nova is an inspiration and so cute! Our nine year old golden, Carter, has had an amputation due to the same cancer two months ago. He has done two rounds of chemo and doing ok with it and we are hoping for a long time with him and so nice to have hope. Words can’t express how much i appreciate your post, like Nova, Carter has an older brother Charlie who is eleven and they are so close too 🙂
By: lupedog28 on June 11, 2012 at 1:48 pm
I have heard about Nova, the blind tripawd and I’m glad I found your blog. I’m a recent tripawd (surgery was this past Thursday) and also a glaucoma girl…had to have my eye removed last July, but that didn’t stop me 🙂 You are truly an inspiration and I will have my mom read me your blog cuz’ I don’t know how to read…
-Lupe (and her mom, Kori)