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Puppy Sitting

Posted by: | February 18, 2010 | 15 Comments |

Today Mom brought some rat-looking thing into our house.

Ok, so it wasn’t a rat, I am told it is a DOG, although I am having a hard time believing it.  Wow, I didn’t think dogs came in this size.  I don’t even think I was this small when I was a newborn puppy.  No, don’t worry, Mom didn’t get a new puppy, it is our neighbor’s dog.  They had to go to a funeral today, so they asked Mom to take care of her while they were gone.  They know Mom is a world-class dog spoiler. 

150 lbs of Great Dane meets 5 lbs of rat, I mean Chihuahua.  Oh yeah, the rat has a name.  It’s “Bella”.  I am so glad to hear that she is not staying forever.  Not that there was anything wrong with her, she wasn’t mean to us at all. I just don’t like her stealing Mom’s attention. All afternoon Mom has been snuggling and petting and sweet-talking this little rat.  Walking around like Paris Hilton and her little Fifi dogs. HRRMMMPPPHH!  Can you believe the NERVE?  I thought I was her little snugglebunny.  She is even letting Bella sit on her LAP, of all places.  That’s MY spot!!!  ARGH!!!

Check this out.  I could squash this thing with my Power Paw.  But of course I would never do anything like that.

She wasn’t even scared of me even though I am so huge.  But how could ANYONE be scared of a face as lovely as mine!?

Bella and I got along great.

Emmy was a little more intimidated.

Thanks for a fun day, Bella!  I can’t wait to get Mom all to myself tonight.  I sure hope her pawrents get here soon!

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  1. By: grandma Barb on February 18, 2010 at 6:44 pm      

    ahhhh – puppy breath!

  2. By: Dane Mom Sue on February 18, 2010 at 6:50 pm      

    Oh yes, it brought back the memories and made me want to crack out Nova’s puppy pictures.

  3. By: admin on February 18, 2010 at 7:22 pm      

    How could anyone ever be scared of you Nova!? 🙂

  4. By: jack crowder on February 18, 2010 at 8:35 pm      

    Power Paw!!! I love it!!!

    We got cats bigger than that dog!

    Shelby, the P.P.

  5. By: Dane Mom Sue on February 18, 2010 at 8:37 pm      

    Whoooo Hooooo! Bella’s Mom came to pick her up. So now I have Mom all to myself again. Time for a snuggle….

  6. By: Opie on February 18, 2010 at 9:05 pm      

    Wowweee! Are you sure that’s a dog? I mean, it is sooo little. Check out those ears, though. WTH? They are all standy-up and pointy. I think ears should be floppy. Yeah. That’s really what ears should be…floppy. No offense Wyatt and all you other pointy ear dogs….it’s just wrong. Don’t mosquitoes get in there? Jeez all you would have to do is walk under some kid holding a marble and there ya have a trip to the V.E.T for sure. Frost bite must surely be a problem. If I had ears like that, they would freeze and fall off, and then I would walk around with just two head holes where my ears should be….wow. So, Nova, be sure to tell Bella to stay above freezing. Try to hang on to those ears.

  7. By: Dane Mom Sue on February 18, 2010 at 9:10 pm      

    I’m with ya, Opie. I agree that ears should be floppy. Those things were ginormous, like satellite dishes, well, triangular satellite dishes. It freaked me out that they were bigger than her head. She was only part chihuahua, looks like some dachshund and terrier mixed in there. So who knows if she’ll grow into those things.

    I’m so glad I’m a Great Dane.

  8. By: GerrysMom on February 18, 2010 at 10:38 pm      

    Wow, Bella almost has Yoda ears, and not much smaller, heh heh. Pretty sure Gerry would be with Nova on the not wanting a puppy around long-term. Gerry is THE adorable puppy in his mind, I think. Might be fun to watch him try to compete with a puppy for the most-cute award though. And if Nova entered too – oh boy. Who could judge that one?!

  9. By: Tazzie on February 18, 2010 at 11:12 pm      

    So how do you, being blind, know that Bella is so very different than you, at least in size (she probably has the HEART of the great dane in her, even if she is missing a Power Paw). I love your pics, your mum holding poor Bella for inspection and Bella against The Paw.

    Me thinks Bella is Brave. Braveheart Bella.

  10. By: Dane Mom Sue on February 19, 2010 at 5:22 am      

    Well, Tazzie, I know that Bella was tiny because I had to lay down to sniff her butt!

  11. By: jakesmom on February 19, 2010 at 7:48 am      

    I love the pictures of Bella and Nova! Bella sure does look like a little rat… 🙂 But I bet Nova can’t wait to get her mommy back all to herself!

    Angel Jake’s Mom

  12. By: janeothejungle on February 24, 2010 at 8:49 pm      

    Nova, you are my new hero. Rosie hasn’t yet met any ‘little’ dogs (since she still thinks she is ‘little’). You have such a great benevolence in dealing with the little lap-stealers. Way to be a role model!

  13. By: Opie on February 26, 2010 at 10:31 pm      

    Bwwwaaaahahahahah. “..had to lay down to sniff her butt.” aaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. You kill me, Nova. You are the best.

  14. By: Opie on February 26, 2010 at 10:32 pm      

    PS. I just wanted to tell you that my mom has been signing her e-mails to friends and family “Licks & Leans.” She stole that from you. She is shameless.

  15. By: LuvYourPets on May 15, 2010 at 10:55 pm      

    What adorable pictures! Nova, you are such a good girl, but I know it’s kindof tough sharing your Mom’s love with a rat! I’d have problems with that, too. I’m glad you were nice to Bella, though, or your Mom might have been upset and you don’t need anymore drama in your house! By the way, I’m only 12 lbs, so you could squish me with one of your giant paws, too, but I think you’d like me. I’m a nice guy. Your pal, Blazer

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