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Last Dose

Posted by: | February 6, 2009 | 1 Comment |

Nova’s blood work was great this week, so she was able to go have her last dose of the Carboplatin this morning. It was kind of a relief to finish up that phase. The next thing is to come back for chest x-rays in a month. So things should be quiet for awhile. Around that time I may start some additional immunity-boosting supplements, but I am going to spend a little time doing some research and getting advice. Dr. O doesn’t want me to start Nova on anything that might conflict with the carbo, so I will wait for about 30 days. For now I am just going to focus on her diet, which is still EVO canned and dry foods, high protein with no grains. And the occasional can of one of the Merrick foods she loves so much.

Here is Nova sprawled out on her bear rug in front of the fire:

She loves laying by the fire and often will stick her head into the fireplace so far that I am afraid she’ll get burned. She just loves warmth.

I am really anxious for the weather to improve so I can get her out more. Nova is not much for cold and snow, so she spends the majority of the time sleeping. I would like her to get more active. I am really looking forward to the summer and getting her out to be more social. At one point I considered having her go through training to be a therapy dog. She is such a lover, but I am worried that she might not qualify because she is so wiggly. She has this habit of always giving people “the butt”, she can’t help it, she’s just that kind of girl! So when she meets someone she likes (anyone and everyone) she immediately presents them with her rear end and either tries to lean on them or sit on them. I am thinking that Emmy might be the better candidate for therapy dog. She will stand, sit, follow orders, and is not wiggly, very calm and serene.

Nova is such a good girl with all the poking and prodding at the doctor all the time. I would not have the patience. But she is such a drama queen it is so hilarious. She “talks” whenever we are at the doctor, usually in this plaintive howly language where you just know she is definitely trying to get a point across. She is such a source of entertainment for people in the waiting room.
When we got home she had a nice surprise, a Valentine’s box from Grandma Barb. Inside were chocolate hearts for the boys, and for Emmy and Nova, there were 2 delicious, tasty Bully Sticks otherwise known as dried bull weiners. Yep, actual man parts. Of course the kids got a big laugh about the girls’ enthusiasm for a bull’s “you know what”. Alex said, “Wow, is she goin’ to town on that, or what?” Ewwwww…. thanks alot Grandma Barb!
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1 Comment

  1. By: Jerry G Dawg on February 7, 2009 at 4:04 pm      

    Nova, we love the extreme closeup photos your Mom takes! You look beautiful baby. Many hugs for reaching such a big milestone. Now, time to par-tay!

    Spirit Jerry

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