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Celebrating the Summer Sun

Posted by: | July 1, 2011 | 4 Comments |

I can’t believe it’s been months since Mom has been on here to update everypawdy.  Geesh!  She sure let going back to school take up ALL of her time.  But she says that it’s almost over, she just has a big national exam to take on July 6th and then after that she will have all the time in the world to blog about me.  It’s about time!

Earlier this year I had a ciliary body ablation in my other bad eye, and even though the doctor told Mom the procedure only had a 50% success rate, I was in the lucky 50%.  WHOOO HOOOO!  Now I have no more pain in either of my eyes, and I don’t have to have all those stupid eyedrops put in my eyes all the time anymore.

The Queen is Happy and Healthy!

My health is excellent.  Mom takes me to the vet every few months for a checkup and bloodwork, and each and every time the results are the same.  “Her bloodwork was perfect, absolutely pristine!”  This is the same message the vet leaves on the answering machine every time.  But Mom still does a little happy dance each and every time she gets the good news.  She just loves the fact that we have beaten that stupid cancer month after month.  Long Live The Queen!

Summer is going great!  I especially love to sunbathe on my palace grounds.  Just because I am blind doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy the sun.  My nose and ears are my eyes.  Using them I can see just fine, just like other dawgs.

So Many Reasons to Be Happy!

Today I spent a couple hours laying out in the sun, even though it was really, really hot outside.  Thankfully Mom is a very attentive lady-in-waiting, and she brought me a dish of ice cubes.  I really wanted her to hold each one while I licked it, but she was not too excited about doing that since she knows I like to take my time when I eat.

Lounging on the Palace Grounds

Hope I Don't Get Tiara Tan Lines!

My 32nd ampuversary is coming up this month on July 11th.  Mom told me today that she just ordered a REALLY special gift for me.  Hopefully it will come by then, but Mom said she wasn’t too sure it would.

Okay, Mom is bugging me to give her the computer back so she can study.  I’m going to go back out in the sun to nap again!

under: Uncategorized


  1. By: maximutt on July 1, 2011 at 7:26 pm      

    32 months?!?! Wow Nova, you are absolutely amazing! I hope to be reading your great updates for another 32! Keep kicking butt Your Majesty!!!

  2. By: Matimoose's Mom on July 2, 2011 at 6:25 pm      

    Nova you are amazing.. congratulations on 32 months!

  3. By: Heather Erickson on July 19, 2011 at 10:03 pm      

    I am so glad to hear that Nova is doing well! It will be 9 months for Lila on the 26th since her diagnosis and she couldn’t be hoppier! 🙂

  4. By: fortisdad on September 12, 2011 at 7:57 pm      

    It’s as wonderful as it is amazing! You’re one awesome pup Queen Nova and such an inspiration to so many.

    Happy Ampuversary # 32….Wow!

    Brett and Spirit Fortis

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