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A Video In Honor of the Queen’s 7th Birthday Jubilee

Posted by: | January 27, 2011 | 4 Comments |

Hey, did you know that I turned 7 years old on January 26th?  Mom didn’t have a big party for me yet because she was stuck in school all day (can you believe MY birthday is not considered a national holiday around here? Geesh!) Seems like there were lots of reasons to celebrate on my birthday… like my Tripawds friends Trouble, Cemil and Cooper all had ampuversaries that day.  How cool is that?  It is so great to see other Tripawds kick cancer’s butt. Our ranks are growing!  WHOOO HOOOO!!!

Speaking of kicking cancer’s butt, Mom took me to the vet today to get a couple of things checked out.  One was a lump that appeared on my chest/stomach and some gross skin tag that dangles from the armpit of my Power Paw. She’s been squawking about these things for a few months now and finally got up the nerve to do something about it. Silly Mom was afraid that the lump on my chest was cancer, so she paid the Doctor to stick a needle in it (man, these humans love to give money to vets… she has already practically funded a new wing for the place between mine and Emmy’s bills). The vet called it “aspirating” but I think she just called it that to make it sound important so Mom would pay her lots of money. ANYWAY… the doctor said it was just FAT cells (watch it, lady, don’t be callin’ me FAT), or “lipoma” is the fancy word she used.

The skin tag unfortunately has got to stay.  There is a big honkin’ blood vessel feeding into it, which means I would have to have general anesthesia to take it off. Mom said no way is she going to risk anesthesia for “cosmetic” surgery, so I am stuck with this dangling turkey waddle thing in my armpit.  Oh well, even a Queen can’t be perfect!

Ok, here is something really, really cool that Mom made for me.  She’s a little embarrassed to share it because she thinks its kind of silly, but I told her to do it anyway. Things have been really sad around Tripawds the past week with our beloved Comet going to heaven unexpectedly. I told her that spirit Tripawd pawrents need a reason to smile, and pawrents of Tripawd Warriors on earth need to know there is HOPE. So Mom finally decided to try to make a slideshow on her new Mac, with music and everything! What a great birthday present for me! I think this video gives both smiles and hope. Now keep in mind, Mom is pretty lame at getting the music to flow just right, but I think you will forgive her.  It’s a very royal song played by a band named (what else?)… QUEEN.

Hope you enjoy the video!  Here it is…

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  1. By: CatiesMom on January 27, 2011 at 4:48 pm      

    Happy, happy, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Nova! And oh, that video was SO delightful it made me cry and smile at the same time! Simply pawesome; full of hope and courage. Queen Nova, you rock.

    Dog bless the Queen indeed. We all bow to you The dangling turkey waddle armpit thingee notwithstanding, you’re still a beauty.

  2. By: charleybuckaroo on January 27, 2011 at 7:32 pm      

    We just saw your video on Facebook & had to come over & read all the latest! What an awesome birthday tribute!!! Queen Nova – we think you’re amazing!

  3. By: josiethebluegreatdane on January 27, 2011 at 7:50 pm      

    Hello Queen Nova!!!!

    What an amazing video your Mom did! Definitely tears and smiles. We too have a Mac but please tell your Mom that she is hops and bounds ahead of us…no videos have been made here yet!

    Well, HAPPY Birthday and HAPPY Ampuversary!!!!! We all think you are totally pawsome!!!

    So, you live in WI? We should set up a play date!!!! We dont know any other Tripawds except our internet friends.

    Okay Queen keep kicking cancers butt! You are a role model for us all!

    Your Friend Josie THE Greatest Dane, Sister Miss Gully and Momma Mia

  4. By: krun15 on January 27, 2011 at 7:53 pm      

    All Hail the Queen!!! Happy Birthday and ampuversary!! I tried watching this earlier at work but got cut off (dang firewall!) so I waited until now to post. But I must admit I’ve been humming your song all day.
    And don’t worry to much about the turkey waddle thing- us gals have all kinds of, um, gravity issues as we age.

    Karen and the pugapalooza

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