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It’s My 19-Month Ampuversary!

Posted by: | June 11, 2010 | 12 Comments |

Pawesome…. I finally got Mom to pay more attention to me and get us back on the blog.  She’s been in school and had final exams, and pretty much glossed right over my 18-month ampuversary because she had her head buried in her books.  Tonight she logged on to Facebook and saw Ampuversary greetings for me on the Tripawds page and gave her head one of those “doofus” smacks and said, ” Girls, we are going for a ride.”  Cherry always told us she celebrated with ice cream, but Emmy and I never really had ice cream before.  So we stopped at the pet supply store to get 2 beef tracheas, then went around the corner to the Dairy Queen (where else would a Queen go for ice cream), where Mom got us soft serve ice cream in a cup, then garnished it with delicious Beef Trachea.  Doesn’t that sound DELICIOUS? 

We’ll Mom made another doofus move and forgot to bring the camera to Dairy Queen, so she has no photo documentation of the pawesome sundae.  There was no way that Emmy and I could wait til we got home to eat our sundaes. So she promised to take us back for another one soon, so she can take a picture.  Sounds good to me!

Mom does have one nice picture of me from my brother’s graduation.  You all know I love to wear hats and tiaras… well check this out:

This Great Dane is Smarter Than Your Honor Student

under: Uncategorized


  1. By: jack crowder on June 11, 2010 at 9:48 pm      

    Hoppy, Hoppy 19th ampuversary to the Queen!!!!
    Hope you loved your ice cream, I think it should be part of each and every meal.

    Congratulations and here’s to a million more!

    Shelby, the P.P.

  2. By: GerrysMom on June 11, 2010 at 10:15 pm      

    YAY NOVA!!! You look so smart in that cap – just like your mom.

    Speaking of your mom, she might get a kick out of this, if she hasn’t already seen it:|htmlws-main-n|dl7|link6|
    Tell her you want a seeing-eye-dog too!

  3. By: Carmen (Catie's Mom) on June 11, 2010 at 10:19 pm      

    Ice cream with beef trachea. I can’t tell you how – um – appealing that sounds. Oh yum. I’ll be checking DQ out for that one; NOT. 🙂

    The important thing is YOU enjoyed it!

    Nonetheless, HAPPY AMPUVERSARY. That is amazing. You are a Queen indeed!

    Love the cap, by the way.

  4. By: rubyaz on June 11, 2010 at 11:02 pm      

    Happy 19th Ampuversary Queen Nova! Ice cream and beef trachea yeah! A meal fit for a Queen!

  5. By: maximutt on June 11, 2010 at 11:57 pm      

    Congrats Nova! Hmmmm…Beef Trachea ice cream…sounds like a great new flavor from Haagen-Dazs! Well, maybe not. But congratulations!! 19 months is amazing!!!

  6. By: Opie's mom on June 12, 2010 at 1:37 am      

    You are the best ever. I am so glad that you got ice cream and beef trachea. Keep on going big girl!
    Opie’s mom

  7. By: anyemery on June 12, 2010 at 9:37 am      

    Yay Queen Nova! Happy Ampuversary! And what a way to celebrate – fitting for a true queen. We love the pic of you in the graduation cap, too. 🙂

  8. By: etgayle on June 12, 2010 at 12:02 pm      

    happy 19th and many, many more!!! i’m all for the ice cream…but i don’t know about that beefy trachea stuff….


  9. By: admin on June 12, 2010 at 1:09 pm      

    Yum, Trachea Sundae! 😛

    Fit for a Queen, indeed. Congrats to mom for completing her exams.

  10. By: jerry on June 12, 2010 at 5:37 pm      

    Thanks for the giggles Nova, that picture is hysterical!

    Hoppy Ampuversary to you and a big congrats to your smart Mama! And give Emmy a big smooch from us too OK?

  11. By: Ginger on June 13, 2010 at 4:18 pm      

    Alright Nova!! Way to go on 19 months. We are so happy for you. I’m gonna make my pawrents get me some treats to help celebrate.

  12. By: Vicki on June 25, 2010 at 4:24 pm      

    We’re sorry we’re late, Nova, but Hoppy 19-Month Ampuversary! That is a wonderful accomplishment! We’ll try to be more aware when your 20-Month Ampuversary comes. You go, Queenie! Love Blazer & Mom

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