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Here’s the Latest

Posted by: | May 21, 2010 | 5 Comments |

Wow…. I can’t believe it’s been since late March since Mom let me on the computer.  She is doing homework for school ALL the time.  She is so very busy that I have been dishing out my Drama Queen act any chance I can, just to get a snuggle here and there.  I have decided to give her a break at night though.  If you recall I was waking Mom up all the time at night to go potty, or just to complain about something silly like Emmy stealing my nap spot.  Well, I don’t think Mom liked it when I did that, she would get very grumpy and impatient.

My health has been great.  I am still having a little trouble getting used to being totally blind, but I am still a very happy dog.  I love my family and I love having Mom to take care of me.  Today I de-stuffed my stuffed horsey, which made Mom really happy (kinda strange, huh?) because she hadn’t seen me do “dog things” for awhile.  I know, I am more like a cat than a dog when it comes to destroying my toys, but it just seemed like a good day to de-stuff horsey.  Mom didn’t even get grumpy when she had to clean up the fuzz all over my brother’s bedroom.  We’ve been on some car rides to the vet and to go get flowers for the garden.

I also celebrated my 18-month ampuversary on Tuesday the 11th.  We didn’t have a big pawty that day (I’ll tell you why in a second), but we did a few days later on Mom’s birthday (shhhhh…. don’t tell anypawdy, she’s 43 years old!). Mom brought me a ton of prime rib leftovers from Lucky’s Steakhouse.  And she gave me more than she gave Emmy!  Oh yes, Emmy.  If you remember from my last post, Emmy had a torn ACL.  Well, Mom decided to try going the natural route instead of surgery, and now Emmy is putting weight on her leg again and is walking fine.  Mom is really glad she followed her heart on that one, and I am too because no surgery for Emmy means I won’t be lonely, plus it means more money in Mom’s pocket to buy me more beef trachea!

Anyway, about my ampuversary.  Mom’s dear cousin Ann died and her funeral was that day. Ann was very special to my Mom because she loved animals.  She was a vet tech, and just a year ago had adopted Aretha Franklin’s dog that she had abandoned at the vet after boarding her for over 2 years.  Can you believe that?  Ann took care of Mitzi at the vet for 2 years and begged them to let her take her home to give her a good life.  Mitzi had never really known life outside of a cage, and Ann gave her a pawsome life. Mom was so angry with Aretha for abandoning her dog like that.  After Ann adopted her, Aretha called and said she wanted to give her to somebody, but the vet said not until she paid her 100K+ vet bill!  She never called back.  I think that sucks.  People like that don’t deserve to have pets. Anyway, when Ann died, someone else at the vet adopted Mitzi so that she will have a good home.  Isn’t that pawesome?

Well, I will update more soon.  My brother is graduating in a few weeks, so Mom is buried with stuff, getting ready for his pawty at the house.  I can’t wait, there will be tons of people to sniff and to pet me.  I hope to have some dog friends come to visit that day too.

Licks and Leans,


under: Uncategorized


  1. By: jakesmom on May 21, 2010 at 10:37 pm      

    Hi Nova!

    Glad to hear you’re doing well… I’m sorry about your mom’s cousin… That really sucks! Especially the story about Aretha Franklin’s doggie. So glad that someone els got to adopt it…

    Looking forward to seeing some pictures of when your doggie friends come and visit you!

    Angel Jake’s Mom

  2. By: etgayle on May 22, 2010 at 10:20 am      

    nova, sounds like you had a great celebration – we don’t get meat at my house, so i’m jealous of all the prime rib treats!!! you sure are an inspiration to all us ‘youngin’s’. regarding AF…no snickers for her!!! glad to hear your sister emmy is doing better too. thanks for the update.


  3. By: admin on May 22, 2010 at 1:05 pm      

    Thanks for the update and sharing that bit about Aretha Franklin … not exactly very respectful, eh?

  4. By: cometdog on May 25, 2010 at 3:55 pm      

    Nova – you are fine form again!
    Happy to hear about Emmy, sad to hear about your mom’s cousin, happy to hear about d-stuffing horsey, sad to hear about Aretha, happy to hear about Mitzi. That’s sums it up!

    Do you think it was nice to tell your mom’s real age? Just askin’…

    Hey, can we sell the Aretha story to the tabloids? Just think how much many treats that would buy you AND Emmy!!!


  5. By: LuvYourPets on May 28, 2010 at 2:05 pm      

    It’s so good to see this update. We’re very sorry to hear about your Mom’s cousin, Ann; she sounds like she was a very good person.

    That’s terrible what Aretha did to her dog, Mitzi. And, to have the nerve to call after all that time and say it’s OK to give her away! Unbelievable!

    We’re also very glad to hear Emmy’s leg is OK now. Good move, Mom, on waiting to see if it would heal on its’ own!

    Again, our deepest condolences to your family in the loss of your cousin, Ann.

    Blazer, Kitty Kimber & Mom (Vicki)

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