Everything is still great on the home front here with Nova. Yesterday she had her latest CBC and everything was great! She didn’t particularly enjoy the trip to the vet yesterday though, because it was sooooooooo cold. Even with her nice fleece coat, she was zipping to and from the car and through the parking lot because her feet were so cold. She even kept her coat on to warm up when we got back and planted herself right in front of the fire once I turned on the gas fireplace.

Trips outside to pee are very short and rushed. You’d think she was trying to break a world record for fastest pee. Again, she zips out there so fast it is scary to watch her. The ice is frozen solid on the patio and it is covered with crunchy snow, so luckily she can get her footing okay. I’ve been trying to chip through the ice, but even the “guaranteed to melt anything” salt is just not working. I am going to try to video tape her the next time she goes out, you would not believe how fast she can run.
Once again, we are stuck with another “snow day” with the kids home, which in this case is actually a “too cold” day rather than any sort of snow accumulation. The girls love it because the family is here, the fire is going, and there are plenty of opportunities to cuddle up and snooze with someone. Today Nova’s spent most of her time warming up on the couch with her horse stuffy, or snuggling up in the blankets on one of the boys’ beds.

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By: Vicki Tankersley on January 19, 2009 at 8:32 pm
Boy, dogs without undercoats really do need protection from the elements, don't they? I have a little poodle who just freezes without having one of his fleece coats on. People laugh, but it can actually be dangerous for dogs without thick undercoats to be out in the cold. I commend you for giving Nova the protection she needs for her outdoor journies. Love, Blazer, Kitty Kimber & Mom (Vicki)