Wow! I knew my 1-year ampuversary was a special holiday, but I had no idea it was a NATIONAL holiday today. I sure am lucky! Mom says even all the banks and post offices are closed today. Could it be in my honor? I know, wishful thinking, but seriously, I am honored to share this special day with all the awesome Veterans of our country.
You all already know that I am a spoiled princess, but today Mom has crowned me “Queen Nova of Tripawds”.

Her Royal Highness Queen Nova of Tripawds
As Queen I would first like to decree that all Tripawds and their pawrents take the time today to fondly remember all of our fallen Tripawd heroes who fought their battles so valiantly. You pups are so pawesome and will never, ever be forgotten.

Paws for a Moment to Remember Our Fallen Tripawd Heroes
I also declare that all Tripawds should give their pawrents a big sloppy Great Dane-style kiss today, as thanks for all that they have done to keep us free from pain, hoppy, and healthy.

Who Could Resist Such Beauty and Grace?
And then I declare that all Tripawds shall say a big THANKS to Jim and Rene, Jerry and Wyatt Ray, for all their loving support with this site. They are truly the best, and there is no way my Mom and I would have made it through the year without them. Oh wait, one more declaration, and this is that all pawrents shall shower their Tripawds today with lots of tasty treats, in honor of my Ampuversary.

It's Not Easy Being Queen
Mom went out of her way today to make my Ampuversary a very special day. I woke to breakfast served to me in bed, as befitting a Queen. It was a tasty platter of sausage links and cheese slices.

Sausage a la Jimmy Dean and Fromage Americaine
Delicious! A breakfast fit for a Queen!

Breakfast in Bed
A little bit later, as a mid-morning snack, I received a most thoughtful gift of a delectable Beef Trachea.

"Roasted to Perfection" - Only the Best for the Queen
“Let them ALL eat Beef Trachea!” I declared to my subjects as I munched down my tasty treat.

I Hereby Declare... A Beef Trachea for Every Tripawd!
I tell ya, nothing says “I Love You” like a crunchy Beef Trachea, you should really consider them for those holiday gift baskets. Sure they make our pawrents say “ewwwww” but they just don’t know what they are missing.

I Have No Clue Why My People Find This Unappetizing... Go Figure!
I was feeling so generous I even shared my 2-pack with my sissy Emmy.

Lucky Dog
Just before lunch, I opened a huge present, an adorable, giant-sized Bernese Mountain Dog stuffy, truly a gift befitting a Queen!

My New Baby
I just love stuffies that are life-size!

Big Girls Need Big Toys!
I loved spending a few hours in the living room grooming and snuggling with my new baby today.

Everybody Needs Some Stuffy to Love!
Mom told me she wanted to get me a Barney so I could join the Blog of Killbarney, but she couldn’t find any Barneys at the store that were befitting a Queen. They were all too small. I do have a minimum size requirement for my stuffies you know. Plus, my brother threatened that, if a singing Barney entered the house, he would tear it up himself before I would be able to get my jaws on it. Oh well, maybe for Christmas.
Lunch was a delightful platter of rolled-up deli turkey.

Deli Turkey... YUM! This is one of the few things I would eat when I was recovering last year.
The turkey slices were hand-fed to me bon-bon style on my brother’s bunk bed.

Mmmmmm..... Turkey!
This is living! I was hoping for some tripe too, but Mom said she just couldn’t do it, the smell of tripe makes her want to hurl and she didn’t want ruin my pawty by hurling.
I spent the afternoon lazing around napping in the sun, and hopping around outside to enjoy the beautiful fall day. I even played a little with Mom.

Wanna Play? I Love to Bring Mom Love Offerings of Stuffies
Dinner was a formal affair (tiaras required), where I was served a delectable flat-iron steak, rare of course, sprinkled in cheddar cheese.

Ampuversary Steak and Cheese
Happy Ampuversary to Meeeeeeeeeeeee…………

1 Year! Wow!
Geesh… you’d think I’d died and gone to Heaven. Wow, all the Spirit and Angel Tripawds are lucky, they get to eat like this every day.

Good Eatin'
My bedtime snack was a spectacular beef rib to gnaw on, a perfect way to end my day of the royal treatment.

Beef Rib
Mmmm….. I am stuffed!

Of course I shared all of my wonderful treats with my sissy because I AM a fair and generous Queen.
Now Emmy and I are expressing our appreciation for all the wonderful Ampuversary treats as only dogs can… by farting up a storm. Excuse me, but even a Queen has to let one rip every now and then. Who can blame me with all this rich food?
Sloppy Dane Kisses, table-clearing tail wags, and a Dane Lean to all my loyal subjects…
HRH Queen Nova of Tripawds
Kicking Cancer’s Butt for 1 YEAR and counting!