Hey, it’s me, Nova! I know it’s been awhile since I’ve posted, but I wanted everyone to know that things have calmed down around here and I have settled into a nice routine as a blind dog. It’s been nice to not have to go to the vet all the time to get my eyes […]
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Hey, it’s Nova here. I know, point of “view”, ha ha, very funny, how can Nova have a point of “view” when she can’t see? Well, I may not be able to see with my eyes anymore, but I can see with my other senses, like my nose and my ears. I just have to […]
I was totally exhausted after the long day. I brought Nova home around 5 pm, and she was still blind. It is most likely permanent. The pressure in her right eye keeps spiking, so if it hasn’t caused permanent blindness by now, it will probably do so at any time. There is a laser surgery […]
I spoke with the Optho around 10 am and he laid out the options. At that point, the pressure was under control (just like it had been yesterday) but there was no sight in the right eye at all. He said we would not know for about 10-14 days whether there is sight remaining in […]
Unfortunately, the roller coaster began again that very night. Around midnight I heard her whining and bumping into things, woke up to let her out and discovered she was blind again. This time was just as bad as the first. I tried to get her out to pee, as she was very intent on going […]
It’s hard to fathom how much Nova’s life has changed in the last few days. In the middle of the night early Wednesday morning, I woke up to let Nova out and she was all disoriented, running into things. Hopping very tentatively when the night before she was zooming down the hall. I knew right […]
I forgot to acknowledge Nova’s 5-month ampuversary here. But, on the 11th of April she was celebrating 5 months as a Tripawd! So exciting! Happy Spring, everyone! Last week a duck decided to lay some eggs in the bushes right in the front yard. Stupid duck! Not exactly the safest place with two stalking, duck-loving […]
Nova’s Excellent Adventure – Friends and Family
Posted by: Dane Mom Sue | April 15, 2009 | No Comment |Well, our adventure trip was coming to an end. The night before we left to come home, some friends of Aunt Margarets, Terry and Ruth McKinney, came over to pet me and Emmy. Mom had brought her camera to dinner and showed them pictures of all the amazing things a Tripawd could do. Grandfather Mountain, […]
Nova’s Excellent Adventure – The Orchard at Altapass
Posted by: Dane Mom Sue | April 11, 2009 | No Comment |After a long nap, Mom took me for a short drive down the Parkway to visit the Orchard at Altapass, which is run by her Aunt Judy and Uncle Bill. This is a historic orchard that is over 100 years old. Several years ago, the Orchard went out of business and was for sale. Mom’s […]
Thursday was our last day in the mountains, so Mom was hoping for good weather and clear skies so we could go to Mount Mitchell, the highest mountain east of the Mississippi River. It was a 25-mile drive down the Parkway, so she was hoping it would be open. It was! We stopped at a […]