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Takin’ the Drama to My Mama

Posted by: | July 22, 2012 | 7 Comments |

The last time I posted, I told you that Emmy and I were laying off the Dog Dramas for awhile.  Well, unfortunately I have given Mom some more things to worry about.  Since Memorial Day I have been taking Prednisone, and last week it gave me a bad case of uh, diarrhea.  Yep, I know it’s hard to believe, but even a Queen gets diarrhea.  I tried very hard to follow proper protocol, but Mom was at work and I couldn’t hold it.  I looked for her everywhere in the house and by the time I got to her bedroom I just couldn’t wait any longer.  I felt so bad about it, but I just couldn’t help it.  Mom took me to the doctor the next day, and she gave me Flagyl.  It’s nasty.  Mom tried to sneak it in my food, but I found it and spit it out.  So now she wraps it in a piece of cheese and shoves it down my throat.  Not too pleasant for me, but it works for her.

At the vet that day Mom was celebrating the fact that my weight was up a few pounds, and the vets were all amazed to see how well I was doing.  Dr. Stewart, who several weeks ago told Mom I had a brain tumor, apologized to Mom and said that he thought that maybe he was wrong about my diagnosis.  There were lots of happy smiles and tails at the vet that day, even though my butt was still rumbling!

Well, around 2 am the next morning I woke up feeling awful.  All confused and panting and scared, just like Memorial Day weekend.  Mom was sleeping and she heard me bumping into furniture and crying.  She got right up and came out to help me.  I just couldn’t find my way anywhere.  I didn’t know where I was, or what I wanted.  I just hopped around in a panic.  Mom got me outside to go potty and I was all over the place.  She tried to get me to come back inside but my head felt so weird I couldn’t understand what she was saying.  She was crying and hugging me, I think she felt as lost and confused as I was.  She finally was able to help lift me back into the house and she shoved a Prednisone down my throat.  She didn’t know what else to do, but knew that it was supposed to help reduce swelling in the brain, so she did it.  She thought that maybe she might have to say goodbye to me, she was so worried.

After about 3 hours, I started to feel more relaxed and I fell asleep.  It was 4 am.  Mom went to bed, and called in to work and said she would not be in that day because there was trouble with me.  When I woke up around 7, I felt like myself again.  I went in to wake up Mom and tell her I was ready for breakfast.  She was shocked and amazed, but I could tell she was still so scared.  I found my way outside just fine and gobbled down 2 breakfasts.  Mom sat down at her computer and started asking friends for advice.  She was thinking of taking me up to Michigan State for a neurology consult, to get a second opinion.  A couple friends recommended a neurologist that wasn’t so far away, so Mom and I went there with all of my records and test results from my vet.  She wanted to get his opinion and see if he agreed with the diagnosis.

Well, supposedly this guy is really smart, and he told Mom that the only way to know “for sure” was if we did a very expensive test called an MRI.  But without doing the test, the doctor said that he was almost positive that I do indeed have some sort of brain tumor.  He prescribed something called Valium that is supposed to calm me down and help me not be so scared when (or if) I get confused like that again.  I think Mom wanted to take some of the Valium herself!  We headed home and Mom took me to get a cheeseburger.  And we had a great day out in the yard where Mom took some pictures of me.

That night I had another bad episode, but it didn’t last a long time.  Mom gave me the Valium and I was napping in no time. We’ve had a great couple of days this weekend, and Mom is hugging and snuggling with me every chance she gets.  I just love that.  I know that some day I will have to move on to be Queen in the Spirit World, but I want Mom to understand that even when I go there I will still be with her and we will be together again.  You humans don’t always get that.  All of you humans who have Spirit Tripawds…. they are with you always in spirit and are waiting for you on the other side.

SO….. here are some pictures that Mom took this week that we wanted to share:


Modeling a “Dog Mom” necklace for a rescue fundraiser


Life is Good!

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  1. By: rizzobeans on July 22, 2012 at 8:49 pm      

    Oh Sue,
    I think about you often and know that the ups and downs are happening. You sound like you are handling things well and doing all you can for Nova.

    I am glad you are getting the second opinion on the neurologist. A simple drug can make such a huge difference and when you find out it makes you mad that you didn’t have this available before this. Now you do and this will give you more quality time with your sweet Nova. God love her….

    I am so happy for you on having something new to help you and Nova. Love her up for me and love that Ms. Emmy up for us too.

    All our Best,
    Suzie and Rizzo

  2. By: AngelAbbysMom on July 22, 2012 at 9:35 pm      

    You are very wise Queen Nova. Thanks for reminding us humans how it works. We tend to forget.

    Sorry you’ve had some rough days, but glad you are still enjoying snuggles with your Mom.
    Jackie, Angel Abby’s mom

  3. By: jerry on July 22, 2012 at 9:52 pm      

    Oh Nova, I know how scared your Momma must be. When people don’t know what’s the matter because they don’t speak Doglish, it really makes them lose it. I know that whatever it is, you will show your Momma how to make the most of each day you have together.

    Hey I know, you can start by sharing some of that valium with her! 😉

    Love ya Queen, please be well. Your royal subjects are waiting for orders. xoxo

  4. By: maximutt on July 23, 2012 at 12:18 am      

    Nova, I’m sorry you had a rough couple of days. I don’t like to hear that about you. I’m so glad you’re feeling a bit better now. I know your Mom is taking very good care of you. I hope you continue to have really good days, weeks and months!! You really are quite an amazing girl. Sending my most positive thoughts to you (and Emmy). You are an inspiration to all. Stay strong!

  5. By: colbasso on July 23, 2012 at 12:59 am      

    Hi Nova – I am so sorry that the last couple of days have been rough. You are very loved and are lucky to have a mom that loves you very much.

    Feel better very soon, Ms Queen. Enjoy all the hugs and kisses!!

  6. By: riosmom on July 23, 2012 at 1:31 am      

    Oh, Your Majesty,

    I am so very sorry you’ve had some bad days. We are definitely keeping you in our thoughts (as you have been for a long while now). You are so strong, and you are so lucky to have a momma like yours. She’s one in a million, as I’m sure you know. But nothing less for the Queen, right?!

    Keep hanging in there. For every day you have, you give another one of us hope — and that’s a very precious commodity these days.

    Your loyal subject,

    Rio’s momma, Micki

  7. By: Charley's Mom on August 1, 2012 at 5:43 pm      

    Queen Nova,
    I’m a bit behind and I didn’t realize all of this was going on. Sending lots of positive thought and prayers to you! Thank you for reminding me that even as angels, you will always be with us….you’re correct, us humans don’t always get that.
    Hugs and chocolate labby kisses,
    Ellen & Charley

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