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Summer Fun

Posted by: | July 15, 2012 | 2 Comments |

Here we are well into July, and Emmy and I have laid off the dog dramas.  So Mom is really, really happy.  The week before last, it got kinda icky around here because the power went out for 4 days, so there was no air conditioning to keep me cool.  Can you imagine THAT?  A QUEEN without AIR CONDITIONING?  Yes, it’s true, I had to live like some of my loyal subjects and suffer with nothing but a fan.  Thankfully, Mom and Dad have a generator, so they were able to run fans all over me and keep the refrigerator running so that my ice cubes stayed cold.  My brothers hand-fed Emmy and I ice cubes throughout the day, and Dad brought home the giant fan from his triathlon club to keep me cool.  You have gotta see this fan.  It was definitely fit for a Queen.  Here it is, the Great Dane of Fans:

The Great Dane of Fans and its Biggest Fan

Emmy was kind of a fan hog.  She liked to stand right in front of it so it would blow back her ears and jowls like she was on a car ride.  Me, well I kept my distance a bit because this thing was LOUD, and I am not a big “fan” of loud sounds.  But it did the trick to keep us somewhat cool for the 4 days with no central air.

Mom has been a crazy nut when it comes to taking pictures of us.  After her friend Kelly took all those beautiful pictures of me back in June, Mom decided to dig out her digital SLR from back in her real estate days and try to hone her photography skills.  Emmy and I are really her only willing subjects, my human brothers go running away when they see Mom running around with that giant black eye poking out of her face.  Then she posts her favorites on Facebook so that everyone can bask in our loveliness.  Now she’s even started trying to teach herself Photoshop Elements so she can “enhance” the photos and make us even more beautiful.  As if that is even possible!

Yesterday Mom drove off without us to go see Tesa’s mom Jill, who had her “Treats for Tesa” tent set up at a rescue adoption event.  Emmy and I have devoured all of the grain-free peanut butter treats that Mom bought at one of Jill’s last shows, so she needed to get some more.  She brought home a bunch more treats for us…. WHOOO HOOOOO!!!

Emmy Begging for More “Tesa’s Treats”

Mmmmmmm….. Tesa’s Treats are so delicious!


Jill makes all kinds of delicious treats for big dogs and little dogs.  She also makes toys like fleece squeaky bones and tug toys.  And she also makes some things for humans called “spinners”.  Humans like to put these in their gardens and watch them spin around in the wind.  Mom asked Jill to make her a spinner in University of Michigan colors, maize (yellow) and blue, and put it out in our front yard.  Even though Jill is a Michigan State fan and doesn’t like U of M, she made one anyway, even though she calls the colors “icky”.  Since Emmy and I ourselves are maize and blue, Mom thought we matched perfectly with the new spinner so she had us pose with it out in front of the house:

All Hail the Maize and Blue

Tesa just had her second chemo treatment this past Friday.  Mom and Jill still haven’t had a chance to get us together for a Tripawds photo session, because their schedules have been crazy.  But they plan to do it very, very soon.


under: Uncategorized


  1. By: riosmom on July 15, 2012 at 2:18 pm      

    Glad to hear there haven’t been anymore dramas. It’s goo to be the Queen, just not a Drama Queen. Hopefully your air conditioner is back on line!!!

    Enjoy all the cookies you can get!

    Rio’s momma

  2. By: Codie Rae on July 15, 2012 at 10:50 pm      

    Woohoo Queen Nova!

    My mom sez dramas are for Susan Lucci. Whoever she is. Glad to hear that all is well and hope you are staying cool!

    Codie Rae

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