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Nova Turns 6 Years Old

Posted by: | January 27, 2010 | 13 Comments |

Dog Save the Queen!

Yesterday, on January 26th, my big hunka Great Dane love turned 6 years old.  It’s hard to believe it’s only been 6 years.  She has definitely had a tremendous life full of many ups, and a couple of (really big) downs.  To many pawrents, 6 doesn’t sound like very old for a dog, but for a Dane, it is.  That is what is so heartbreaking about Danes.  I have occasionally heard of a Dane who lived to 10, and there may be a handful who exceeded 10.  But I was always told that the “typical” life expectancy of a Dane is 6-8 years.  Such a short time on this earth for such a precious animal.  I guess that’s why Dane have such endearing, loving traits.  They try to pack a lifetime of love into fewer years.

Well, I’d have to say that her birthday was not quite as big as a blowout as the Ampuversary.  Not that it isn’t as important, I have just been in school most days of the week and haven’t had the time to go overboard like usual.  But Nova didn’t complain when her birthday meal came from a can, unlike my boys who were squawking all night about how Mom is not home to “feed” them anymore.

Birthday Girl with the Power Paw

Don’tcha just love the party hat?  I can’t believe I found it at Party City.  I wish it said “All Hail the Birthday QUEEN”, but Nova was willing to settle for Princess. I love to take pictures of Nova and her Tripawd Paw, which I refer to as her Power Paw, because now does the work of two legs.  It may seem silly to some, but sometimes I just sit with Nova, bury my face in her neck, and stroke this awesome leg and paw.  I am so thankful Nova had the strength to handle life as a Tripawd.  For giant breeds, it can be more of a challenge, but I am so proud of my girl being such a role model for other giant breed Tripawds.


The birthday girl had a relaxing dinner of canned Taste of the Wild “Wetlands”…. duck, quail, turkey and a host of other yummy ingredients.  Of course there was beef trachea, Caira Sue’s Mom insisted there be, but that was devoured before I could get my camera out.  There was an array of organic, wheat and corn-free dog cookies. The boys set out to buy Nova a hot pink Snuggie, however came back empty-handed because they didn’t make them big enough.  The “Large” said it would fit a dog 20+ lbs!   Duh.  I would not consider a 20-lb dog LARGE.  Oh well, we are used to there being a lack of clothing for Great Danes.  So we have to settle for hats.

The Crown of Pawesomeness

Speaking of hats, one of Nova’s presents was a “formal” crown.  Her tiara is still appropriate, but she saw a picture of Queen Elizabeth II with a crown like this, so she wanted to be big-time with her.  I know all of the pictures are of her sleeping, but it really is what Nova does best, so I thought it would be a most appropriate time for her to wear it.  Plus, trying to balance it on her head with her hopping all over was not an easy task.

Crown Swiper

Emmy just had to try on Nova’s crown while she was sleeping.  Admit it, you would do it too.

The Sleeping Beauty

My sleeping beauty turned into a Queen!  Oh wait, that’s right, she already WAS one!

Queen Big Butt

My kids call Nova “Queen Big Butt”.  Can’t argue with that.  Oh well, that one song does say the guys “Like Big Butts”, right?

Ok, time to go to school again today.  We’ll try to get the older puppy photos up soon for the next installment of “Nova Through the Years”.  But it won’t be tonight, I’m in class until 10 pm.

So lets hear a round of “ALL HAIL QUEEN NOVA…… DOG SAVE THE QUEEN!”

under: Uncategorized


  1. By: krun15 on January 27, 2010 at 10:26 am      

    Happy Birthday your royal hiney, oh I mean Highness.
    I just cracked up that every picture she has her eyes closed!!! Pugs are like that too- sometimes at their best when sleeping, and probably the only time I could keep a hat on their heads. And I think Mag could probably sleep in the crown…

    Queen Nova is a GIANT in so many ways.

    Karen and the pug girls

  2. By: Dane Mom Sue on January 27, 2010 at 10:36 am      

    Yeah, one thing to remember is that Nova is BLIND, so she doesn’t see even with her eyes open! She really was awake during the photos, just resting her eyelids.

    “Your Royal Hiney”…. LOL…. that’s a good one.

  3. By: maggie on January 27, 2010 at 10:39 am      

    Happy Birthday Nova!!! I, too, noticed the eyes shut in every picture…seems she was too impressed with your antics! 😉

    Tracy, Maggie’s Mom

  4. By: krun15 on January 27, 2010 at 10:48 am      

    While posting my first comment I was looking at her royal rear- I couldn’t resisit.

    I do remember that she is blind- but resting her eyelids? She sure gets her whole being into resting those things!!!


  5. By: cairasue on January 27, 2010 at 11:55 am      

    Love the crown and the “power paw.” We used to do the same thing with Caira’s one leg and paw. Although I hadn’t actually coined a term…I like yours.
    I am in love with that crown! That puts the purple party pimp hat to shame!….and Maggie curled into it…that’s a good one!

  6. By: hugapitbull on January 27, 2010 at 1:38 pm      

    How regal you look on your birthday. I love that tripawds have the best pawrents in the entire world. They know how to make the milestones very special events.

    Happy Birthday, my hero, you rock my world.

  7. By: jerry on January 27, 2010 at 2:36 pm      

    Long live the Queen! Long live the Queen!

    Nova, you have the greatest Mom ever. She always finds time to give you the best celebrations.

    And we too are thankful that you have the strength to be a Tripawd. You are an inspiration for more people than you will ever know. Thank you.

    Hoppy birthday!!!!

  8. By: jakesmom on January 27, 2010 at 7:12 pm      

    Happy Birthday Queen Nova!!!

    Looks like you slept through most of the celebrations! 🙂

    I loved all the pictures of her with her crown and party hat… Hope she had a wonderful time, when she finally woke up, that is… 🙂

    Angel Jake’s Mom

  9. By: jack crowder on January 27, 2010 at 8:50 pm      

    Hoppy Birthday to the Queen!!!

    It’s nice to see the Queen also has a Crimson Colored Robe!

    It looks like she had bit to much pawty and is catching a short nap.

    Here’s to a great year!

    Shelby, the P.P.

  10. By: Tikaani on January 27, 2010 at 10:20 pm      

    Happy Birthday, Queen Nova! Oh, if Tika had seen the crown…..
    Nova is such an incredible inspiration, ain’t she! I am so glad she’s still with you to let you know what wimps we humans are!

    –Kim and Spirit Tika

  11. By: cemil on January 28, 2010 at 12:40 am      

    Queen Nova, you are awesome!
    Obstacles don’t phase you and you accept all the adoration with true grace.
    Long Live the Queen!!

    Mary and Cemil

  12. By: Opie on January 28, 2010 at 4:35 am      

    Queen Nova,

    That is THEE coolest crown I have ever seen. Your mom is a good photographer and appears to have had a few lessons in perspective. You should bite her on the nose for the one that makes your butt look sooooo big. We all recognize, however, that this photo is a trick, easily explained by Einstein’s theory of relativity and instantly recognized by anglers the world over: “Cletus, hold that thar minnow far out in front, so it looks like a trophy!” TSK TSK! Long live the Queen! Opie

  13. By: Tazzie on January 28, 2010 at 8:56 am      

    Power Paw? Is that because it holds all your weight when you lie around snoozing on the couch all day, Nova? It looks like that makes you happy!

    Happy Birthday Nova!

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