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My Predecessor, Goldie Fawn Zira

Posted by: | January 20, 2010 | 7 Comments |

While Mom and I get together the pictures from my first year (you are going to be BLOWN AWAY when you see how fast a Great Dane grows in one year!!!), we thought you might want to see a couple of pictures of my predecessor, Zira, formerly known as Goldie Fawn.  Even though I never knew Zira, she is very special in my heart because she was the one who made Mom fall in love with Great Danes.

Introducing Goldie Fawn Zira

Zira was a little different than me.  First, she was a little bigger.  Second, she did not have floppy ears like me, she had cropped ears.  Mom said that she had a botched crop job on her ears and they got all infected.  So her ears were really small and only one of them stood up (only sometimes).

Skin and Bones

Zira was also really, really bony.  Her previous family did not feed her very well.  They would just put out a bowl of (bad quality) food for all 12 of the dogs in the house to fight over.  Since Zira was so sweet she usually got pushed around by the other dogs.  As you can imagine, she got a the food she wanted at our house and was beefed up in no time.


Look familiar?  Ha ha…. here Zira looks just like me!

Zira Loves Fluffy

Another thing we had in common is that we both love stuffed animals.  Zira liked them a little smaller then I did, though.  She loved Beanie Babies, but Mom was worried about her having them because she was afraid she would swallow the beans inside. This is Zira with Fluffy, the 3-headed dog from Harry Potter.  It was actually my brother’s, but when Zira moved in she claimed it as her own.

Swiping Fluffy

My brother kept trying to get Fluffy back, but Zira kept barging in his room to steal him.

Zira and Pikachu

This is Zira with her very favorite stuffy, Pikachu.  This was the stuffy that Mom took to her when she was in the hospital.  To this day, Mom keeps this Pikachu along with Zira’s enormous collar (even bigger than mine!) in a special box.

Well, I hope you like these pictures.  Mom also wants to show you some pictures of her first Tripawd (Milhouse, a Dalmatian, a rear-leg Tripawd), although she wants to see if she can find some pictures of him when he was a Tripawd.  He was only a Tripawd for 4 months, so there weren’t many taken… I guess they didn’t have digital cameras then! But for Halloween that year he dressed up as a Pirate, with an eye patch, peg leg and all.  There are a lot of pictures to go through, so hopefully she can find them, I heard it was really funny!

Ok…. we will get to work on the other pictures, but they probably won’t be posted until Thursday night.  Mom has 8 hours of school today, and another 4 tomorrow.  Looks like I am going to get in some excellent naps!

Love, Licks, and Leans,


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  1. By: cemil on January 20, 2010 at 12:57 pm      

    Nova, thanks for posting the tribute to Zira–how special it is to follow in those magnificent pawsteps.

    Can’t wait to see Milhouse as a pirate! My mom had a neighbor (human!) who lost a leg and dressed up with a peg leg for halloween too.

    Happy napping!

  2. By: jerry on January 20, 2010 at 1:30 pm      

    Wow, Zira was a cool girl, she’s so lucky to have found your family. You two sure look a lot alike when you lay around on the couch! I had no idea that Dane girls were such couch surfers.

    We can’t wait to see Milhouse’s photos!

  3. By: admin on January 20, 2010 at 1:46 pm      

    What a beauty! Had no idea there was a previous tripawd in the kingdom though. Good luck finding those pictures. 🙂

  4. By: jakesmom on January 20, 2010 at 7:14 pm      

    I love the name ‘Goldie Fawn’! She was gorgeous!!! Thank you for sharing those beautiful pictures and memories with us! 🙂

    Angel Jake’s Mom

  5. By: Mackenzie's Mom on January 20, 2010 at 9:37 pm      

    You Danes are so very special!!! Mackenzie has 3 cousins that are all Great Danes. One sister raises Danes and has 2 at home. My other sister had a very special Dane that she lost to cancer about a year ago, which was so devastating and now she has a Dane puppy that she just adores. When I was little, our first very special dog in the family was a Great Dane named Dorothy (fawn) who lived to be 14! So I know how Danes can truly touch your heart so deeply. Zira seemed so special and she was so lucky that she ended up with such loving parents. And Nova’s puppy pictures – so adorable! Thanks for sharing this incredible and beautiful story about your beautiful Danes! And of course, looking forward to seeing pictures of Milhouse who sounds like a very special tripawd too.

  6. By: Opie on January 24, 2010 at 6:23 pm      

    Pawsome! My mom loves Harry Potter. She recognized Fluffy right away. I get what you mean, not knowing Zira, but liking her because she made your mom fall in love with Danes.

    My predecessors were Griz and Zach. Griz made mom fall in love with Goldens. Zach, Griz’s son was half golden and half Pyrenees…Griz liked big, strong women.

    I can’t wait to see more pix! What is your mom going to school for…isn’t she smart enough already?

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