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Barney Came to Visit Me!

Posted by: | January 19, 2010 | 6 Comments |

Barney and the Queen

As you have probably seen by now on the Blog of Killbarney Barney came to see me in snowy Michigan after Caira Sue “ripped him a new one” on the beach in California.  You know me, though, I am a “gentle giant”, so was very loving with Barney.  I don’t want to see him go, but he has a mission to accomplish.  Mom and I have chosen the next Tripawd to receive him (sssshhhhh…… it’s a BIG secret).  She has not sent him on quite yet, because she had to spend the day chasing me around the house trying to get my Tripawd paw print for the journal that Caira Sue’s mom put in there.  I don’t like my feet touched, ESPECIALLY my Tripawd foot because it is very important to me and I don’t want to lose it!  Let just call it my “Staff of Life”!  But Mom says Barney will go out in the mail tomorrow or Thursday.  So keep watching the Killbarney blog to see where he turns up next.

Mom and I were checking out Cemil’s blog the other day and saw some puppy pictures of him.  They were pawesome, it was so great to see a fellow big dog as a pup.  So we got the idea to do a few blog posts of “Nova through the years”.  Since my 6th birthday is coming up in a week (January 26th) Mom thought it would be a fun way to celebrate.  So watch shortly for a new blog post of me as a baby, with my birthpawrents.

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  1. By: admin on January 19, 2010 at 4:26 pm      

    Thank you Queen Nova for allowing Barney to continue his mission. We hope his next host is as gentle as you were … not! 😉

  2. By: Mackenzie's Mom on January 19, 2010 at 5:32 pm      

    You seem a lot more gentle with Barney than Caira Sue ever was. You look so regal with Barney in your mouth. Of course, you’re not hurling him in the air like Caira Sue did, which I’m sure Barney greatly appreciates. Looking forward to seeing your baby dane pictures soon.

  3. By: cairasue on January 19, 2010 at 7:30 pm      

    Hey! I kinda think Barney LIKED the mid-air fling!
    The journal was actually Rene’s idea…but we did add the inkpad for “signatures”
    We found that it was actually easier to do while she was lying down and just roll the paper over her pad!
    I”m soooo excited to see where Barney goes next…oh, and puppy pictures of NOVA! Good gosh! It’s going to be a fun week!

  4. By: jakesmom on January 19, 2010 at 7:30 pm      

    Yes you definitely seem to be alot more gentler with Barney than Caira Sue! 🙂 But Barney made it to you in one piece… so that’s pretty good!

    Where is Barney off to next? Inquiring minds want to know!!!

    Angel Jake’s Mom

  5. By: jerry on January 19, 2010 at 7:57 pm      

    OMG Caira Sue is so sweet! What a great idea, we hadn’t even thought of that. Duh.

    So hoppy you and Barney had a good time together, we just love those photos!

  6. By: jerry on January 19, 2010 at 7:57 pm      

    OMG Caira Sue is so sweet! What a great idea, we hadn’t even thought of that. Duh.

    So hoppy you and Barney had a good time together. It made all of us smile knowing that he’s spreading the love. Thank you Nova and Sue!

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