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Hoppy New Year!

Posted by: | December 31, 2009 | 8 Comments |
The howlidays at my house this year were pawesome.  I’ve tried to get Mom to get on the computer to post some pictures of Christmas, but every time she gets on the computer and checks on the Tripawds forums, there was some bad news on there that made her cry.  We were both extra sad to find that our dear fellow Tripawd Warrior Cherry had to say goodbye (for now) to her loving pawrents this week.  Cherry was oh-so-special to me because we had our amputations right around the same time (November 2008) and had been fighting our battle together for over a year.  Cherry’s dad, Bob, was always there for us all year with words of comfort and support, even during Cherry’s final few days on this earth.

We just enjoyed a wonderful slideshow tribute to Cherry on the Forum, so FINALLY Mom is ready to post some pictures of me at Christmas….

All Sorts of Yummy Goodies from Santa!

All Sorts of Yummy Goodies from Santa!









Santa had so many cool things for us.  Beef trachea, bully sticks, pig snouts, Texas Toothpicks (pig tails), new stuffies…. it was great.

Enjoying a Texas Toothpick (pig tail)

Enjoying a Texas Toothpick (pig tail)

Takin' Down My New Jackelope Stuffy

Takin' Down My New Jackelope Stuffy

I bet you never knew there were Jackelopes here in Michigan.  I can prove it, I took this one down in the living room!
My Cow Ear (which Emmy stole when I turned my head!)

My Cow Ear (which Emmy stole when I turned my head!)

Yeah, I never got to finish this present because Emmy stole it when I turned my head.  Isn’t that rude?  Taking advantage of the blind like that?  I am usually very good at sensing her approach, and giving her a warning growl when I think she is going to take my stuff.  Actually, I got up to go check something out, and came back and couldn’t find it.  I whined for awhile before Mom could figure out why I was sad.  She finally got the message and gave me an extra pig tail, and gave Emmy an earful.
This Jackelope Tastes Great!

This Jackelope Tastes Great!

Snuggling with My Lion Stuffy

Snuggling with My Lion Stuffy

On Christmas night, Grandma and Papa came over and gave Emmy and I two giant life-sized stuffies.  I got a lion and Emmy got an elephant.  They are like giant pillows.  I sure can’t wait to de-stuff this one!
24-Inch Bully Stick.... YEEEEE HAAAWWWW!

24-Inch Bully Stick.... YEEEEE HAAAWWWW!

I was extra careful to guard this, and finish it quickly so Emmy wouldn’t steal it.


Even the humans were napping after their delicious Christmas feast of turkey and beef tenderloin.  The best part was that Emmy and I got the scraps. YUM!
My Beautiful (Cow Ear Stealing) Sister, Emmy

My Beautiful (Cow Ear Stealing) Sister, Emmy

She may look nice, but look out!  She’ll steal your stuff.
The Day After Christmas

The Day After Christmas

Wow, what a pawesome howliday!
Mom and I want to wish all of our Tripawd pals and their pawrents a very hoppy, healthy New Year.  2009 was a rough year for a lot of us, so we are hoping for a hoppier 2010.
Peace, Love and Beef Trachea…..
Queen Nova of Tripawds
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  1. By: admin on December 31, 2009 at 5:52 pm      

    We’re glad mum found enough holiday cheer to post these pictures. Looks like a pawesome time was had by all indeed! Thanks for sharing.

  2. By: wyattraydawg on December 31, 2009 at 8:13 pm      

    Awwww Nova, how FUN!!! I’m totally jealous, I want a jackelope! I want a jackelope!

    Hoppy New Year!

  3. By: Cherry on December 31, 2009 at 11:31 pm      

    Sorry if I made your mom cry Nova. Dad has told me how much your mom helped him during my down times, and helped to celebrate my ups. He also told me that he asked your mom to give some extra hugs from us. Most of all, I want to thank you for while he saw you Christmas celebration photos, he actually was able to relax and something of a smile actually occured. It probably reminded of how quickly I could get into things. Keep on enjoying life the maximum every day.

  4. By: GerrysFosterMom on January 1, 2010 at 12:14 am      

    Ohhhh, such cute pictures! Maybe your lion and the jackelopes can guard your treats from Emmy – if they’re not all in pieces yet : )

  5. By: Opie on January 1, 2010 at 3:53 am      

    Wow! What a haul, Nova…Santa was really good to you. Happy 2010.

  6. By: cairasue on January 2, 2010 at 2:50 am      

    I LOVE the Lion pillow. You know, we never paid attention to Bully sticks, but all of a sudden at the pet store the other day Caira Sue says “24 inch Bully stick! Just like Nova!” and sniffed them up and down. I tried telling her she is not a great dane and does not NEED a 24 inch bully stick like Nova. Not listening. You guessed it, we now have a half chewed 24 inch Bully stick in our living room.

  7. By: jakesmom on January 2, 2010 at 4:12 pm      

    Nova… sound like you and your cow ear stealing sister had such a wonderful time at Christmas!! I loved seeing all the pictures!!! Happy 2010 to all of you!!!

    Angel Jake’s Mom

  8. By: Peyton's Path on January 9, 2010 at 4:23 pm      

    There has been a lot of sad times on tripawds lately, but don’t let it get to you or your Mom. Focus on how well you are doing! You are an inspawration to many tripawds because you have fought the odds and won! You deserve the Queen title!!!

    Christmas looked fanstastic! Santa knew how to really spoil you and Emmy! Looks like you were a little worn out after all that excitement! I like the picture of you sleeping on the lion!

    We hope 2010 is as wonderful for you as 2009!

    (Peyton’s brother)

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