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Something to Smile About

Posted by: | November 15, 2009 | 5 Comments |

Dang, there is so much depressing stuff going on in the lives of some of our Tripawd friends and their families lately. Today Mom is really bummed out about the latest news from Kim (Tika and Caya’s mom). It reminds her so much of back in the summer when after months of me being the sick one, my sister Emmy got very very ill and Mom thought she might lose her.  But here we are 6 months later and while my sister still has a parathyroid tumor, things are under control and her medications are helping.

Anyway, I wanted to bring a smile to everyone’s face today.  Remember the “Obamicons” Mom made of me last year?  Well I helped her create a new one with my new motto:

Let's Sing It All Together Now....

Let's Sing It All Together Now....

For those of you who missed my two “Obamicons” last year, here they are, for your enjoyment:

We're Doing All We Can to Beat the Awful Cancer Beast!

We're Doing All We Can to Beat the Awful Cancer Beast!

And of course:

It Just Doesn't Get More Beautiful Than This!

It Just Doesn't Get More Beautiful Than This!

Hey, guess what? The people who did my trading cards sent us a rush order and they got here on Saturday!  They look great!  So I just wanted to let those who asked for a card (Chuy, Codie Rae, Cemil, Shilo and Max) that Mom will get them out in the mail to you tomorrow.  Looks like I’ve got some loyal fans on the West Coast. Mom and I want to know where all the Midwest and East Coast Tripawds are. We would love to send one to ANY of our Tripawd friends, just ask. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have one to share for your Tripawd. Hey, gotta share the love, you know?

I hope my Obamicon made you wag your tail today, people.  Now get out there today and create some big time memories with your Tripawd!

Sloppy Dane Kisses from HRH Queen Nova of Tripawds

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  1. By: jakesmom on November 15, 2009 at 12:45 pm      

    These are beautiful posters of Nova! You are so right… too much depressing news lately… 🙁 We need to hear more good news these days…

    I have been feeling so sad and depressed this week after loosing my sweet Jake… but when I saw your posters of Nova… they made me smile. Do you think you could make one for my Jake? I would really appreciate it!

    Jake’s Mom

  2. By: Codie Rae on November 15, 2009 at 1:03 pm      

    Your Obamicons are pawesome Oh Great Queen!
    We are smiling all around here. Eagerly awaiting your trading card.


  3. By: admin on November 15, 2009 at 2:35 pm      

    Many thanks to Queen Nova for the awesome reminder to smile in the face of adversity!

  4. By: Opie on November 15, 2009 at 6:13 pm      

    I love, love, love the Obamacons! What are the trading cards? I think I might have an idea. Maybe I’ll look in the forum?

  5. By: rockyandme on November 15, 2009 at 6:50 pm      

    I love your Obamicons – they’re so neat. Thanks for sharing.

    Rocky and I can represent Northern Michigan tripawds. We don’t have any trading cards though.

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