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One More Day…

Posted by: | November 10, 2009 | 7 Comments |

Well… this time tomorrow (Wednesday) will be my 1-year ampuversary!  I know Mom has some great stuff up her sleeve because I sniffed the groceries when she brought them in yesterday.  I can’t wait to see what was in that bag!

Mom took this picture of me to show everyone how beautiful I am one year after my amputation.  It isn’t often that she gets pictures of me sitting like this.  Don’t you love how you can’t even see my incision anymore, and how all my hair has grown back?

Nova Sitting Pretty

Nova Sitting Pretty

Now you will find out how Mom managed to get a picture of me sitting… my brother Bobby was just about to give me the rest of his delicious buffalo burger!  YUM! I love being a Tripawd, it always means special treats!

Buffalo Burger Treat

Buffalo Burger Treat

I am still the same ol’ couch potato though.  I found a great new place to lounge, in my little brother Skyler’s bunk bed.  Mom caught me in there this morning:

Lounging in the Bunk Bed

Lounging in the Bunk Bed

I am so busted!



I think this is what you people call a “Bed Head”.  Betcha didn’t know that even dogs get bedheads too!

Bedhead Nova

Bedhead Nova

Ok, stay tuned for the big day tomorrow.  I can’t wait to tell everyone about all my ampuversary treats. Think I’ll get any presents too?  I am definitely putting on my tiara and pink feather boa, that’s for sure.

See you tomorrow!


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  1. By: Peyton's Path on November 10, 2009 at 10:11 am      

    Congratulations Nova! That is a huge accomplishment! You deserve special treats! Hope tomorrow brings you lots of fun and treats!!!!

    You are adorable, can’t wait to see pictures of you in that tiara and pink boa!

  2. By: admin on November 10, 2009 at 12:59 pm      

    You are a beautiful princess indeed! Can’t wait to hear about your big day…

  3. By: ldillon81 on November 10, 2009 at 1:14 pm      

    HAHAHAHA!!! that post made me laugh. She is adorable and I LOVE the lounging in the bunk bed picture followed by bed head. Can’t wait for tomorrow!!!

  4. By: Opie on November 10, 2009 at 2:56 pm      

    Hooray Nova!
    I wish all of us tripawds could come to your celebration. When you snort out the candle on the cake…there will be cake right?…maybe you could make a wish that we all will be able to celebrate our one year ampuversary!

    PS I have found, that if you get a little slobber on the cake, you get a bigger piece…I’m not sure why, but it really works. Try it.

  5. By: cairasue on November 10, 2009 at 11:25 pm      

    Super Nova! I’m so happy to see you posting again! I can’t believe your mother has taken the computer away from you for so long, but look how beautiful you’ve become! Caira Sue still looks like a patchwork quilt. Nova, you look BEAUTIFUL! You are such an inspiration.
    Caira loves the tripawd treats too, so awesome.
    P.S. Caira gets bedhead too! Just never got a pix of it.

  6. By: cairasue on November 10, 2009 at 11:27 pm      

    I hope you don’t mind, I shared Nova’s blog on my facebook.

  7. By: Dane Mom Sue on November 11, 2009 at 7:38 am      

    Caira Sue’s Mom,

    That’s great! Thanks for sharing Nova’ blog on Facebook. Friend us on there if you want, you will find me under Sue vonRosen Zieske in Michigan.

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