Just got back from the oncologist, and Nova’s lungs were all clear! The x-rays didn’t show any visible signs of tumors in the lungs. He said that her panting was likely due to the hot weather. And the swelling in the neck was nothing to worry about. Lymph nodes felt good. I am so happy.
We stopped at the park on the way home to take some “celebration” pictures:

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By: LiveWorkDream on June 26, 2009 at 3:49 pm
Wonderful news indeed. Three cheers for Nova … Woof!!! Woof!!! Woof!!!
By: Heather Fowler on November 2, 2010 at 7:29 pm
I just found out that my Great Dane Lila, who just turned 3, most likely has Ostersarcoma. Do you have any suggestions for me? First, we noticed her limping. Then we took her in for x-rays and they said that we needed to biospy. Then we just received the call today that it is definitely cancer. We are DEVASTED! We are going to a specialist ASAP. Please give me any advice you think will be helpful! Thanks!
By: admin on November 3, 2010 at 12:44 am
Hi Heather: You’ll find lots of recovery tips in Jerry’s Required Reading List, and even more tips and fast answers to the most common amputation questions in the new Tripawds e-book, Three Legs and a Spare.