After a long nap, Mom took me for a short drive down the Parkway to visit the Orchard at Altapass, which is run by her Aunt Judy and Uncle Bill. This is a historic orchard that is over 100 years old. Several years ago, the Orchard went out of business and was for sale. Mom’s Uncle Bill had visited the orchard when he was little, and together with his sister, they decided to buy the Orchard and restore it as a popular destination for locals and tourists along the Parkway.

You can see Table Rock way out there in the distance, jutting up from the mountains:
I hear some of these trees are over 100 years old!
Sniffin’ the wonderful Spring air!
We walked around for quite awhile:
Mom just wouldn’t stop with that camera!
She was so glad to see me so healthy and hoppy!
Mom is so crazy about pictures of me, I think she must be putting together a daily “Year of Nova” calendar:
Some cars were slowing down up on the Parkway to look at me:
These are the signs directing drivers to the Orchard. They even have Monarch butterflies there:
It had been a long photo session, so I was ready to go back to the cabin for a nap!