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Nova’s Excellent Adventure – Roadtrip Along I-75

Posted by: | April 11, 2009 | 1 Comment |

Just this past week, Mom and my (human) brother Alex took me and my sister Emmy on a road trip to visit Mom’s Aunt Margaret in the mountains of North Carolina. I had a total blast! I had never been on a road trip any longer than 4 hours in my whole life (yes, I know, I’m a homebody!). I am always so excited on a car ride, and this was all the more exciting because we didn’t end up at the VET!

Mom loaded us up in the car REALLY early on Monday morning. She had put our beds and some of our favorite stuffies in there:
Alex decided that my bed looked more comfortable than riding in the front seat, so he jumped in the back to nap for awhile. He made a GREAT chinrest!

Another exciting thing was that I got to go on a 5-state PEE SPREE. Yep, that’s right. In one single DAY, I peed in FIVE states. That may not seem to impressive to humans, but to dogs, it is! It was the first time I have ever had the opportunity to perform such a feat.

Peeing in Ohio was pretty boring, but Mom and Alex prepared me for the fact that the rest stops in Ohio are nothing special:
Here I am enjoying the Kentucky Artisan Center, in Berea, KY, after a nice pee. Mom said that there were lots of cool things inside, made by people from Kentucky. I couldn’t go in, they said only Service Dogs were allowed. Darn. Oh well, I probably would have knocked over some of the nice crafts in there with my crazy, out-of-control tail wagging.
Let’s see, the TENNESSEE PEE was at the Jellico Motel and Restaurant, just off I-75 in Jellico Mountain, TN. There were a lot of people in the parking lot pointing, and looking at me. Guess they’d never seen a Tripawd before!
I was so excited to top off my 5-state PEE SPREE, that I asked Mom to stop at the North Carolina Welcome Center off I-40, just inside the state line. It was still cold there, but I got to sniff some FLOWERS, which I haven’t got to see since I became a Tripawd in November:

As always, Mom was my best buddy on the long drive. Sometimes I like to stand up and just rest my chin on her shoulder when she’s driving. She doesn’t mind!

It was a long, long time to be in the car. But Emmy and I kept it interesting by changing nap spots every hour or so. We also got Mom to figure out our signal for wanting to stop at a Rest Stop. Emmy and I would start farting, and Mom recognized that as the signal that we were ready to go outside. She and Alex were not too happy about it, and kept rolling down the windows and making fun of us:

When we got to Aunt Margaret’s house, I was so excited! It was nice to not be moving anymore, especially after a curvy, swervy ride up the scary mountain roads. I was feeling a little icky, but forgot all about it when walked into Aunt Margaret’s house. I even got to meet her dog Lizzy, the Shih Tzu. I couldn’t understand why Lizzy was afraid of me, she kept hiding behind the chair:

Most of the people who live on Aunt Margaret’s street have separate cabins (called “Guesthouses”) out back behind their homes. That’s where we got to stay. It was awesome, and felt just like home. As you can see, Emmy and I didn’t waste time, we made ourselves comfortable right away. Hey, Aunt Margaret said to make ourselves at home, so that’s exactly what we did!

Ahhhhh…… just like home!

This was on the wall of the Cabin…. “Welcome, Sit, Stay”. That’s exactly what we did!

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1 Comment

  1. By: Jerry G Dawg on April 11, 2009 at 8:14 pm      

    Nova, you’ve got legs that go from here to the moon!

    Looks like you had some really good times out there.

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