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Keep the Paws Crossed….

Posted by: | March 5, 2009 | No Comment |

It’s been awhile since I’ve posted since there hasn’t been much different in Nova’s life. The weather has been warming up here and there, so I am getting her out more. Here she is outside today, searching for signs of Spring:

We haven’t been doing any additional treatments for the cancer, since the oncologist recommended not starting anything until a month after her last treatment, which happens to be tomorrow. I haven’t been as nervous as I’d thought I’d be for the appointment, but now that it’s the evening before I am stressing a little. I emailed Dr. Obradovich last week with some questions about different treatments that might keep the cancer at bay. She said that we will be discussing “what’s next” tomorrow at our appointment, I’m sure after the chest x-rays are done.

Please keep your paws crossed for no lung mets!!!

I will check in after the appointment tomorrow with more details.
Look who’s knocking at the front door! Awww… I love that face, if she was selling Girl Scout cookies I would have bought 20 boxes!
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