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A Little Tripawd Holiday Cheer

Posted by: | December 22, 2008 | 4 Comments |
Don’t you just love the holidays? Being that I am still recovering, it’s been great for me because there has been a lot of activity at the house, like presents and food and visitors. Last Friday the kids had a snow day and now they are off school so I am getting love and attention from all directions. It’s great. I really haven’t felt bad at all, even though I just had that treatment at the Doctor last Wednesday. Mom is very happy about that.
Mom’s been doing a lot to get ready for Christmas, so I have been following her around to see what she’s doing (I am very nosy!)

There is one thing about all the Christmas preparations that I would like to change, though. You see, Mom listens to Christmas music when she is working and there is only so much Johnny Mathis and Dean Martin I can take. So I came up with an idea. I asked Mom to come up with a good Tripawd Christmas song. She said ok, but that she wasn’t that good at writing songs, so it might be a little silly. But after another nice glass of vino, she sang me this ditty, which (in my opinion) totally beats those “Crooner Christmas” songs hands down:

(Sing to the tune of “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer”)

You know Tazzie and Titan and Buster and Cherry…
Zeus and Calamity, Kali and Jerry…

But do you recall….

The goofiest big dog Tripawd of all?

Nova, the Tripawd Dane-Deer
Gets around on just 3 paws
To her, the gift of living
Is the best gift from Santa Claus

Three legs took some getting used to
Nova’d often hang her big head
Even some jerk at the Doctor
Thought she should go to Heaven instead

Losing a leg is not so sad
Nova would say it ain’t half bad
More treats and snacks are coming her way
Lots of loving and snuggling every day

All of the other Tripawds
Cheer her on with big “Hoorays!”
Nova, the Tripawd Dane-Deer,
You’ll have many, many more days!

This song really put me in the holiday spirit, most of all because it’s about ME! I wanted to share with you some of the other things that Mom and I have been doing. First, we put on my reindeer antlers and took a bunch of silly pictures.

“You Better Watch Out…”

“Yeah, I’m a 3-legged Dane-Deer, you got a problem with that??”

“Don’t forget to shop for MEEEEE this Christmas!”

I love to sing my new Christmas song to my sister Emmy:

I’m a Tripawd Dane-Deer, and dang proud of it!

“What do you mean you forgot to put Fish Skins and Texas Toothpicks on my Christmas List, Mom?”


Hey, check out what I found under the tree today. So exciting! I can’t wait!

See, there are ornaments on the tree with everyone’s pictures. This was me when I was a big goofy puppy:

And here is a special ornament we just got this year, this is my Tripawd inspiration, Jerry G. Dawg.

Ok, well it’s time to run (I mean HOP) right now to see what else Mom is up to. I’m sure we will be back with more updates after Christmas and when we go for my next CBC at the vet on Friday.


under: Uncategorized


  1. By: Vicki Tankersley on December 23, 2008 at 8:15 pm      

    Hey, Nova the Tripawd Dane-Deer, had a very shiny nose and if you ever saw it, you would even say it glows!

    Nova, you still are a big goofball puppy at heart and we love you very much! Thanks for sharing your new son with us; it’s much better than the old version!

    Merry Christmas and Happy Howlidays! Warooof! Blazer

  2. By: Jerry G Dawg on December 23, 2008 at 10:08 pm      

    Nova, you always make us smile! And seeing my ornament on your tree made my Mom’s eyes all watery. Thank you so much, we are honored.

    When your Mom takes a break from Christmas, have her post your song on Tripawds, it’s hillarious!

    Much, much love and hoppy howliday wishes from your friends at Tripawds….

  3. By: Suzy on December 29, 2008 at 6:14 am      

    I’d love to post it on Tripawds, but I can’t figure out where it would be appropriate to do so. In the “Share Your Story” section?

  4. By: Vicki Tankersley on December 31, 2008 at 9:29 pm      

    Yes, Suzy. Post in the "Share Your Story" section of the forums on Make sure you become a member so that you don't have to wait for "owner approval" and your post will go up right away. Just feel free to start a new thread (topic).

    Love, Blazer, Kitty Kimber & Mom (Vicki)

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