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Power Outage

Posted by: | November 20, 2008 | 1 Comment |

Blog updates on Nova are going to slow down a bit until we return from Arizona next Tuesday. We are in Tempe for the Ironman Arizona triathlon, that my husband is doing. We joke that he is going to be less mobile than Nova when we return, so they will definitely be hanging out together over Thanksgiving weekend. It wasn’t easy getting out of town this morning. Tuesday evening we had a power outage that lasted until Wednesday mid-day. That had it’s challenges when it came to Nova’s care. Some things you just don’t think through. We do have a generator, so we were able to keep the house heated during the day, but at night we turned off the generator because it was so dang loud, no one could sleep. Bad move. Nova woke up to pee at about 3 am, and I tried to let her out by candlelight and flashlight and she was not going for it. I could not blame her, she couldn’t see her footing on the step outside, so she wouldn’t go out. Plus I couldn’t light up the yard so she couldn’t find her way around outside. What a dumb move on our part. These are the types of things you don’t think about. I was really upset, and worried about her, I didn’t want her to trip and fall in the dark. So I ended up sleeping out on the couch the rest of the night so I could hear her if she got up. Firing up the generator was not an easy task, actually it had run out of gas so I was planning to go get more gas in the morning. So I put some blankets over her to keep her warm. I am still kicking myself over that dumb move of not leaving the generator on.

Once everyone woke up, we got it going, and all was well with Nova again. Her front leg is still a little jittery when she is laying down and she whines a little now and then, but I think she is just being verbal, because her tail is thunk-thunk-thunking the whole time she whines.

Wednesday night I took Nova over to Tammy’s to drop her off for her stay. Once again, Nova barged in like she lived there and layed right down on her bed right next to Annie’s bed. Annie was being such a good sport about it all. We lugged in all sorts of stuff, food, her bed, her favorite eagle stuffie, all her glaucoma medications, her new harness that just came in the mail an hour before, sling, leashes, etc. I even brought rubber-backed rugs for Tammy to put on her hardwood floors. It was like having a baby all over again! I was a little nervous about the fact that they had a 2-story house, and that the bedrooms were all upstairs. I was worried that Nova might cry if she was left alone on the main floor, just because she is used to being with us when she sleeps. (We have a 1-story house, one thing I am VERY thankful for, it is very tripawd-accessible!) I also worried that Nova might try to go up the stairs. Tammy eased my fears when she said she had no plans to sleep upstairs during the time Nova was there. Awwww…. what a relief. I am so lucky to have someone like her to baby my baby when I can’t be there.

I called Tammy during our layover to check on Nova, and she said she was doing great. What a relief. She said Nova is very fast on 3 legs when she goes outside. Fun! My kids were laughing that Nova is probably ending up with the more relaxing vacation. She is getting fawned over all weekend… lucky dog!

Updates will be brief until she comes home next Tuesday. Wednesday will be her first Chemo treatment, so I know there will be plenty to tell then.

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1 Comment

  1. By: Anonymous on November 20, 2008 at 8:31 pm      

    You are extremely fortunate to have a good friend like Tammy who will take as good of care of Nova as you would. She sounds like a wonderful person. That's too bad the power went out and then you had to deal with trying to get Nova outside without the generator on. I'm glad it all worked out really well though. I really love your blog and I hope to visit it frequently. Your friends, Blazer, Kitty Kimber & Mom (Vicki)

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